Digital College Counseling

Traditional college counseling is too expensive especially if you have only have a few questions and need some direction. Use the resources and tools here to help you navigate the process at an affordable price.

Bridge to College was developed by a team of education researchers, experts in college access and education, and K-12 and university educators. Some of us literally wrote the book on college counseling for under-served students and social fit in college admissions. Literally. This stuff was our dissertation and theses at places like the University of Chicago, UCLA, and Harvard. Seriously. And in over ten years, students who’ve worked with us have all been admitted to college with their funding needs met. Who else can say that?

We realized there is a way to make this digital so that more students can get this service for a cheaper price. So here it is. Enjoy!

What you’ll get.

Digital Content

Each week, we’ll post more content from working on your personal statement to getting a job after graduation. Subscribe for as long as you need us!

Virtual Workshops

We host virtual workshops with experts so that you are learning more. These workshops correspond with the admissions cycle so be sure to sign-up.

Tailored Assets

With access to the Bridge to College survey, your advice is tailored to your college list. Be sure to create a free account at Bridge to College to access this content.

Sample the content.

  • Writing Your Personal Statement

    You already know that the personal statement is your opportunity to tell a compelling story about yourself. But colleges are looking for five main characteristics in your application so this story has to demonstrate the five that you are not already demonstrating in other parts of your application. Learn what those five are and how they should look in the application.

  • Getting Financial Aid

    Getting funding for college is one of the most difficult things to do. Learn how to position your application to get the most aid, the different types of aid you can get (everyone can get money), and how you can negotiate for more.

  • Standardized Test Prep

    Through research and experience, we've been able to support students in raising their test scores by at least 10%! Learn some of the basics of standardized testing so that you can do your best.

…and more!

Creating your College List

College Showcases

Writing Workshops

Why Apply to STEM Colleges

How to Get Into College as a Recruited Athlete

So You’re Interested in Art School

How to Pick a Major

Transfer Student Application

How Neurodiverse Students Apply to College

College is expensive. This part doesn’t have to be.