About Bridge to College

At Bridge to College, we use data-driven insights to help students, families, and educators navigate college admissions, financial aid, and education policy. Our mission is to make college access equitable and transparent, ensuring every student finds the right fit—academically, financially, and socially.

Something New

Bridge to College isn’t just about guiding students—we’re working to change the policies that shape their futures. That’s why we’re moving to Washington, D.C.—to be at the center of education policy, working alongside policymakers, educators, and advocates to ensure students have real access to higher education.

How You Can Get Involved

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  • Free Subscription – Weekly insights on admissions, scholarships, and policy changes.

  • Paid Subscription ($10-$15/month) – Exclusive reports, deep dives, and live Q&A sessions.

  • Founding Member ($150-$250/year) – Full access + behind-the-scenes updates and early workshop invites.

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💬 Join Our Private Discord Community – Connect with students, educators, and policymakers to share resources and ask questions in real time.

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🌍 Follow Us on Bluesky – Stay engaged with education policy and college access discussions.

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Workshops & Services

For those who want a hands-on learning experience, our workshops provide expert guidance on college admissions, financial aid, and policy. With our move to D.C., we’ll be breaking down key education policies and how they affect students. Join us for in-depth discussions and hands-on learning.

We offer personalized support for students, families, and institutions: ✅ College Matching & Advising – Helping students find the best academic, financial, and social fit.
✅ Financial Aid & Scholarship Guidance – Navigating FAFSA, CSS Profile, and private scholarships.
✅ Policy & Institutional Consulting – Now based in Washington, D.C., Bridge to College is uniquely positioned to work with policymakers, institutions, and educators to craft data-driven solutions for equitable education.

A Different Kind of Machine Learning

We started Bridge to College with two very important assumptions: machine learning is meant to adapt and no one is using data that is adapting.

While this may seem like an obvious error, it represents a gap between two sciences: social and computer sciences. One is the study of people, institutions, and patterns. The other creates logic based on data.

We need both to help make accurate predictions.

So the strategy here was to combine the sciences.

You may be wondering who our friend is. Years ago, I developed a character named Truth. She originates from a friend’s rap song about a girl who carries a microphone because she is never heard. Whenever she wants to speak, she speaks into a microphone that isn’t plugged in. You may also notice that Truth’s age constantly changes but her clothes do not. That represents changing circumstances while keeping to the same original core.

That is also represented in her dreads. It’s a hairstyle that takes years to come to fruition. It represents resilience. That’s what getting through college is. And that’s what our data also does.

I think Truth represents Bridge to College because we are amplifying voices with technology. We’re also leaning into another assumption that all educators know: No child wakes up each day wondering how they might fail that day. They get up hoping to succeed. We remind ourselves of that goal in everything we do at Bridge to College.

And just one more note on machine learning: in coding we use the term “true” quite a bit and in machine learning, a goal is to determine when and under what circumstances an event will be true. So a character/avatar named Truth in a platform like this is also a reminder that predicting the truth is an on-going practice that changes as you and institutions change…as it should. As the kids say, this ^ right here.

Finally, Bridge to College is a tech company that values craftsmanship and conversation. It very much is the antithesis of technology because not everything should be mass produced. College is a decision that will impact the rest of your life, your parents’ lives, your siblings’ lives, your neighbors, your larger community. Everyone. There isn’t a reason why that decision should be rushed. But there are aspects of the decision-making process that can move a little quicker so that the conversation you have with your folks or your friends is more meaningful. That’s what we’re here to do.